José Antonio Orts
Valencia, Spain

The Spanish sound artist "with the greatest international recognition". Orts is a plastic artist and composer and his sculptural works draw from both sources. «His work escapes any attempt at simplistic reduction, among other reasons, because everything in his work is elusive and, above all, dichotomous» He has been awarded innumerable awards such as the Scholarship for the courses of Iannis Xenakis, Association Acanthes de Paris, the Scholarship to extend studies abroad for L'École Normale de Musique de Paris, Ministry of Culture, on 2 occasions, the Music Scholarship at the Spanish Academy of Fine Arts in Rome the Center National des Arts Plastiques Villa Arson (Nice ) to develop a photosensitive sound installation project or the Electronic Art Work Acquisition Award, Fundación ARCO, the Deutsche Klangkunst Preis (German Sound Art Award 2004), the resident artist award of the Berliner Künstlerprogramm of the DAAD, or the Fundación award Cañada Blanch (plastic arts) among others. He has exhibited in museums around the world such as the IVAM, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul, Sala Giacometti, Sala Braque and Chapelle. Manca Festival, Feuerstiege in A-DUR, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, permanent sound installation or the Marcelino Botín Foundation Scholarship for Plastic Arts among others.
Available artworks
José Antonio Orts
Variable measurements
Photosensitive sound sculpture
José Antonio Orts
Variable measurements
Photosensitive sound sculpture
José Antonio Orts
75 x 600 x 500 cm
Lighting installation sensitive to the wind trail that the viewer causes when passing by
José Antonio Orts
200 x 350 x 14 cm
Luminous sculpture sensitive to the wind trail that the viewer causes when passing by
José Antonio Orts
75 x 700 x 450 cm
Instalación sonora sensible a la estela de viento que el espectador provoca al pasar
José Antonio Orts
200 x 470 x 12 cm
Escultura-instalación sonora fotosensible