Victoria Iranzo
Cuenca, Spain

Victoria Iranzo's background involves an interweaving between 2 countries: Spain and Belgium, (where she obtained the Master MA in Visual Arts (Summa cum laude) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp). Her work investigates the metaphorical association of meanings, through the use of image and word, through the pictorial process as a formal language. Everything is part of a game of meanings, of intuitive relationships between images, interests and influences. Spaces like scenarios, where we interact. With ourselves, with our ideas and opinions, with those of others. Spaces of danger, spaces of comfort. 4-Dimensional Spaces. Space/society as a construct to be reconstructed, as a danger. Experience as a driving force. The individual/filter as a container, relative and influenceable. The process as time, as a scenario of evolution and adaptation, of learning and protection. The work as its own sediment. He recently obtained the XXXV “How to make a desert” prize, the result of research on the lands of Brazil, and held the individual exhibitions Reflexo Distante (Bolsa de Arte gallery, Porto Alegre) and O Ar entre as Coisas (A Sala gallery, Balls). In 2014 she received the Mario Antolín Scholarship for pictorial Research and Medal of Honor in the XXIX BMW painting Competition, she has exhibited in 2016 with the project “ToBe Project”, At the Gallery. Antwerpen, Belgium, In London in the project “SATURATION: New Spanish Painting”, Fitzrovia Gallery. London, United Kingdom. Among others, his work is found in Public collections such as the Juan Cose Castellno Comege Foundation, BMW Iberica Collection, New Castle Foundation and in private collections in London, Rome, Berlin, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Belgium and Spain.